Community Leadership Summit Wiki

11:00 - 12:00[]

  1. Building Community with Passion & Beer - Kerry Finsand, @kfinsand
  2. Anger Management Aikido: How to deflect Anger when you'd rather choke the x'o! out of them - ???
  3. Not Scheduled
  4. Evolution of Community Curators: How do you effectively transition writers to curating a community - Laurie Pattison
  5. Not Scheduled
  6. It Boots, Ship It: Practical Lessons & Principles Learned from Community Quality Assurance - Adam Williamson/Fedora Project
  7. Not Scheduled
  8. What an Open Source Foundation Should Do - Jacob Redding
  9. Not Scheduled
  10. Community as *gasp* Marketing - Evan Hamilton

12:00 - 1:30[]

Lunch Break

1:30 - 2:30[]

  1. Coopitition: How do you manage competitors in your community? - Dan Allen
  2. They want what?!! - Best practices in relaying user feedback - Todd Gage
  3. Not Scheduled
  4. Changing your community's culture: Is it possible? What techniques can I use? What are the challenges? - Lars Kurth
  5. Not Scheduled
  6. Remote Community Management: WTF? - Jefro @jefro_net
  7. Not Scheduled
  8. Structure of Your Community's Non-Profit (ex. Drupal Association, OSM, SPI, Apache Software Foundation, Mozilla) - Jacob Redding
  9. Not Scheduled
  10. "How to find a local?" Tips about finding some volunteers / partners in countries you're strange - Koray Löker

2:30 - 3:30[]

  1. Surviving Building Consensus - Angie Byron
  2. Corporate -Community- & Organic - Louis
  3. Not Scheduled
  4. How to Juggle Roles & Responsibilities - Eric Herberholz @erich13
  5. Not Scheduled
  6. We Do Awesome: How we can communicate great work to managers and stakeholders - Jono Bacon
  7. Not Scheduled
  8. Connecting Globally: "How we can make it easier for non-native English speakers to participate?" - Koray Löker
  9. Not Scheduled
  10. Influencing CEOs, Becoming CEOs - Pascal Pinck

3:30 - 4:00[]

Coffee Break

4:00 - 5:00[]

  1. Meta Cmgr Stuff - @VanRiper
  2. Making Myers-Briggs Work for You - Meryll Larkin
  3. Not Scheduled
  4. Broadening Your Community by Dispelling Myths - Adam, 10gen/MongoDB
  5. Not Scheduled
  6. Hackgermination: How to bootstrap face to face community spaces - Daniel Johnson @teknotus
  7. Not Scheduled
  8. Desparately Seeking Users: From consumers to active members - Alex Lefebvre
  9. Not Scheduled
  10. Tiki Wiki: CMS Groupware - Free and Open Source Community Management System - Marc Laporte

5:00 -[]

Feedback Session in Main Room

Party??? Crash Gotham Tavern party for PDXPUG?
