Community Leadership Summit Wiki

Contributors, lurkers and Loudmouths

How you define active or inactive by what measure

Mozilla - mailing lists and IRC, Wiki is written,

Wordpress - comments, contributing, work done?, chatting, how to measure it, suggestions, IRC. There are few OS groups who can figure out how to measure

Google - GSOC and help OS community.

Does commenting or 'online forum' count as contributing?

Libre Office - it can be subjective, useful or not

National Novel Writing Month - nanorima - how to build contributors to build back starting the process

Mozilla - bugmaster, workflow to help with bugzilla, lots of contributors, don't know who they are and to what extent. been approaching via data sources, expose last activity, people can get bogged down in minimum viable contribution

talking...contribution...- metrics and expose it

OpenHE - here to listen, global scale tracking hard to do

ushahidi - we have diverse community - some developers, but across topics, locations and skills, git, wiki, social platforms, some are not technical at all but want to use open source

Joomla - some contributors, some talkers

OpenMRS - global scope, cultural barriers, give voice to all , dabbled in quantitative, hard to do. uses mixed methods, case studies with contributors to help lead the path for others.

MOZ - site, gamefication points system, platforms, community active everywhere, active on site, there are people who read our content, use free tools, don't deeply participate (comment, ask question etc)

Oreilly - influencers, vocal, books, may not know conferences and events
